Question and answer
How can I find out about the availability of books and periodicals in the library collection?
You can find out about the availability of publications in Electronic catalog of the Scientific Library or by phone. 465-47-02, 422-13-33 (ext. 3804, 3802)
Who and under what conditions can receive periodicals from the scientific library collection?
Students, residents and PRMU staff (professors, university teachers, researchers, staff of the University Clinic, etc.) are served by all departments of the Library with the right to receive documents for the use at home.
Graduate students, students of the Department of Additional Professional Education, students and employees of other educational, research, medical institutions are served only in the reading room and in the room of catalogues and information resources.
What is the schedule of delivery rooms of the Library?
Monday–Friday: 10.00-18.00
Saturday: 10.00-16.00 (delivery room of educational materials No. 1 works).
In the delivery room of educational materials No. 1, books from the educational delivery room No. 2 are also accepted and lent out.
Attention! Literature from the educational delivery room No. 2 must be ordered in advance.)
Sunday: day off
Last Friday of each month: cleaning day (except for June and January) -
How can I enroll in the Library?
To join the library, it is necessary to show:
- students – a campus card (by the readmission at the University, it is necessary to provide an appropriate certificate from the dean's office);
- residents, graduate students – a certificate about study at the University;
Registration is carried out in the Department of Electronic Library Services (Medizinskaya str. 3a, office 5; T. 422-13-33 (ext. 3803, 3807); e-mail: , ). -
How to renew a book?
You can renew a document borrowed fr om a library if there is no demand for it from other users. For the renewal:
- call the delivery room wh ere the book was lent out;
- use the online renewal service on the library's website;
- write to the library's email address ( , ), specifying the full name, the number of the campus card and the expected date of return of the document, or contact us on the page of the scientific library "VKontakte" ( )
There is not enough printed textbooks for me. What should I do?
You can use the electronic textbooks posted in the Electronic Library of PRMU: (Internal Electronic Library System (ELS) of the University, ELS "Student's Consultant" and "Doctor's Consultant", ELS "Books Up", ELS "Urait"), as well as apply to the delivery room of the scientific literature, the reading room.
Information about electronic publications is available on the library's website in the section "Virtual Shelf". -
Can a relative or a friend return or take books on my behalf?
A relative or a friend of the reader can return, but not take books on his/her behalf. Library services are provided only if there is a library card (campus card) with a photo. It is forbidden to give a library card (campus card) to another person, to use someone else's library card (campus card). -
What should I do if the book is not returned on time?
The user who missed the deadline for returning the document is obliged to compensate the library for the damage for using the document beyond the prescribed period in the amount determined by the "Rules of Use of the Scientific Library". The fee is not charged if you have a reasonable excuse (illness, urgent business trip, retake of an exam, etc. – a supporting document is provided).
You can check the delivery/return dates in The reader's personal account. -
What should I do if a library book is damaged or lost?
The user responsible for the loss or damage of the document is obliged to replace it with an identical publication or document recognized by the library as an equivalent to the lost or damaged content and current estimated value.
To resolve the issue, contact the Department of Acquisition and Scientific Processing of Documents (Medizinskaya str. 3a, office 10, T. 465-47-02; 422-13-33 (ext. 3802); e-mail:, ). -
How can I donate the Library with books?
To resolve the issue, contact the Department of Acquisition and Scientific Processing of Documents (Medizinskaya str. 3a, office 10, T. 465-47-02; 422-13-33 (ext. 3802); e-mail:, ). -
How to select documents on the topic of scientific research?
For advice, please contact the Department of Scientific Information (Meditsinskaya 3a, room 14) or call 465-47-02, 422-13-33 (ext. 3804) -
How can I get an access to electronic databases to which the PRMU is subscribed?
A complete list of electronic resources with access conditions is available on the website of the Scientific Library (section Electronic resources). -
What should I do if I can't log in to the PRMU Electronic Library?
For access to the PRMU Electronic Library, contact the Department of Electronic Library Services (Medizinskaya 3a, office 16, t. 422-13-33 (ext. 3803; 3807); e-mail:, ). -
How to arrange a list of references in the work program for an academic discipline?
За консультацией обращаться в Отдел комплектования и каталогизации (Медицинская 3а, к. 10, т. 465-47-02; 422-13-33 (доб. 3802);
e-mail:, ). -
How to submit an abstract/dissertation to the library?
Согласно Постановлению Правительства РФ от 24.09.2013 г. № 842 «О порядке присуждения ученых степеней» (часть III, п. 27) и «Положению о внутренней электронно- библиотечной системе ФГБОУ ВО «ПИМУ» Минздрава России» от 26.12.2016 г. № 224 (п. 4.3) соискатели ученой степени обязаны не позднее чем за 3 месяца до дня защиты диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора наук и не позднее чем за 2 месяца до дня защиты диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата наук предоставить в научную библиотеку ПИМУ окончательные варианты:
- диссертации (в переплетенном виде, 1 экз.).
- автореферата диссертации (формат А5, 1 экз.).
- электронных копий диссертации и автореферата диссертации в формате PDF.
Режим работы: 9.00-18.00 (пн.-пятн., кроме последней пятницы каждого месяца).
Телефон: 8 (831) 422-13-33 (доб. 3804), 8 (831) 465-47-02.
Иногородние соискатели предоставляют печатные варианты диссертации и автореферата лично или с помощью курьерской службы доставки (на адрес: 603104, Нижний Новгород, ул. Медицинская 3А, научная библиотека, каб. 15), обязательно предварительно связавшись с зав. научно-библиографическим отделом Гусевой Юлией Владимировной по тел. 8 (831) 422-13-33 (доб. 38048(831); 465-47-02; 8960-189-4380.
Электронные копии диссертации и автореферата в формате PDF присылать на e-mail: или (с пометкой «В отдел научной информации»).
После сдачи и проверки всех указанных документов соискателю выдается справка для предоставления в диссертационный совет ПИМУ.
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