Priority 2030
Privolzhsky Research Medical University

Publication activity

Publication activity is a key indicator of the productivity and effectiveness of the scientific work of researchers, organizations, and higher educational institutions.

Indicators of scientific productivity and efficiency of scientific activity: the number of publications and references to these publications (citation).

The high level of scientific potential of scientists of the Volga Research Medical University is confirmed by the recognition of their achievements by the domestic and foreign scientific community.

According to the international databases of scientific citation for 2019-2023


число публикаций в изданиях, индексируемых в Web of Science Core Collection


The number of publications in publications indexed in Scopus


индекс Хирша (h-index) Web of Science Core Collection


The Hirsch Index (h-index) of Scopus

According to the national database of scientific citation "Russian Science Citation Index"
(RSCI, ) for 2019-2023

10 541

Total number of publications

22 106

Number of citations


The h-index (h-index)

Among all 759 universities of the Russian Federation


by the number of scientific publications (over the last 5 years)


by the number of citations (accumulated total)

Among 2272 organizations of the Russian Federation with publications in the RSCI (elibrary)


by the number of scientific publications (over the last 5 years)


by the number of citations (accumulated total)

Top 10 publications for 5 years (2016-2020) by the number of citations

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